Consilia becomes a member of the HLB network
01. Juli 2023On 1 July 2023, Consilia Wirtschaftsprüfungs-, Steuerberatungs-, Rechtsanwalts- und Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH will become a member of HLB, the global network of independent auditing and tax consulting firms in more than 150 countries. In Germany, 25 member companies with 225 partners and more than 2000 experts advise decision-makers and companies of all sizes and from all sectors. HLB is one of the top 3 networks operating in Germany.
"By becoming a member of HLB, we hope to increase Consilia's presence in the national public image", says Thomas Schneider, Managing Director, "we want to be the new strong partner in the HLB network for the greater Passau area and the south of Germany".
Consilia is a service company run as a partnership with its headquarters in Passau and other locations in Munich, Dresden, Mühldorf am Inn, Deggendorf, Regensburg and Rosenheim. Around 160 employees, including 34 professionals, look after clients - mainly companies, freelancers and private individuals as well as non-profit and public organisations.
Malo Kröning emphasises the advantages of the various working groups and specialist groups in which HLB members are in constant contact with other well-known medium-sized law firms throughout Germany. As a result, the firm believes it is even better positioned to meet the challenges facing the profession, such as the recruitment of specialists, digitalisation, new auditing standards, quality assurance and ongoing training. The HLB network also offers access to specialists for special topics and contact to international partner law firms. This means that clients can also be comprehensively advised and supported in cross-border matters.
"Wir haben uns sehr über die große Resonanz und den freundlichen Empfang bei der HLB gefreut. Wir sind sicher, dass wir mit der HLB ein sehr gutes Netzwerk gefunden haben, das zu uns passt und mit dem wir den aktuellen Anforderungen noch besser gerecht werden können", bestätigt Thomas Schneider.